The field of Electronics has undergone rapid changes in the recent times with fast changes in the development and expansion of different communication technologies like Internet, ISDN etc. The Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering contributed to the advent of real time application, high speed computing, data acquisition and feedback system, high speed telephony, advanced remote control system to name a few. courses have been designed in a way to integument all the above. The syllabi includes Basic Electronics Lab., Analog Lab, Electronic circuits lab., Digital logic lab, Microprocessor lab., Communication lab., Digital signal processing lab, VLSI & Embedded System Lab, Internet lab., Multimedia lab etc.
In addition to the basic labs of other departments as an essential requirement for any engineer.The labs as required at present are well equipped with sophisticated instruments and trainer kits and the in house built up trainer kits to facilitate better demonstration and easier understanding of the students. The equipment and kits explain the fundamental principles of working of the propagation characteristics of the analog and digital signals.